The 7 Promises is a practical guide to discovering yourself and God.
God has a plan for you and 7 Promises will guide you to see yourself as God sees you and to know and accomplish His will, His plans and His purposes for your life.
As a result, you will feel empowered, motivated, transformed, and more confident.

The book is great for conferences, retreats, personal and group bible studies. I am available to share the message through speaking engagements. If you're interested in learning more, I would love to connect!
"Are you spiritually hungry?
If you come to church once a week spiritually hungry you will leave still hungry. We can't starve ourselves all week and get fed once thinking that is enough. We will be hungry..."
"I had the pleasure to hear Christina’s sermon on 'God’s Promises.' It was amazing, and I shared it with everyone I knew for a week afterwards. Now I hear she has a book coming out on the same topic. I want to be first in line to buy it. Thank you, Christina, for writing this book."
"The analogies keep me interested and are so relatable. I can't wait to read the book because already what has been shared keeps me wanting more."
"When I first heard about the book I was excited to see what the promises were. I always knew that Gods word was full of promises but I never knew that they could be for me. Hearing the 7 Promises and getting a personal message from God helped to put down that lies that I was condemned to my own death by my actions. I am Forgiven."